A little more than a year ago, the Medical Nutrition Equity Act (MNEA) was introduced in Congress…
Exactly what is MNEA? MNEA would ensure that public and private insurance covers medically necessary foods – medical formulas and low protein modified foods – required by children and adults with PKU and other inborn errors of metabolism. It would end the inconsistent or outright denial of insurance coverage for these essential products and greatly reduce the financial burden of managing PKU and other diseases.
Since the bill was introduced, there has been considerable progress made toward getting this bill passed. Earlier this year NPKUA and 29 other organizations came together to form Patients & Providers for Medical Nutrition Equity Coalition specifically to expedite passage of MNEA by the end of 2018. Recently, this group had the opportunity to meet in Washington with almost 100 congressional offices to gather and solidify support.
How can you play a part? On their new website, the Coalition is asking you to contribute your PKU story. These stories help to put a human face on the issue and make the challenges we experience more real for our Senators and Representatives. Please check out the new website and consider contributing your story.