Year: 2022

Contact Congress about Formula and Medical Food Coverage for PKU
Legislation is before Congress to ensure equitable access to PKU formulas and low protein modified foods. If passed and signed in to law, the Medical Nutrition Equity Act (MNEA) would require all insurance plans in the United States to cover … (read more)

Camp Connect 2022
Family Registration Counselor/Volunteer Application
Camp Connect is for families with PKU children ages 4-18 and young adults interested in mentoring as camp counselors. This year, Camp Connect will be held September … (read more)

National School Lunch Program – It’s Your Right!
Did you know that PKU children are entitled to assistance under the National School Lunch program? It’s true. If your child attends a school that receives funding under the National School Lunch program, the school is required to make accommodations … (read more)